Khasiat Lidah Buaya
Lidah Buaya (Aloe Vera Linn)
Lidah Buaya (Aloe Vera Linn)
Nama Latin :
Aloe Vera Linn.
Nama Daerah :
Lidah buaya (Indonesia), Crocodiles tongues (Inggris); Jadam (Malaysia), Salvila (Spanyol), Lu hui (Cina).
Habitat :
Tumbuhan liar di tempat yang berhawa panas atau ditanam orang di pot dan pekarangan rumah sebagai tanaman hias.
Deskripsi :
Daunnya agak runcing berbentuk taji, tebal, getas, tepinya bergerigi/ berduri kecil, permukaan berbintik-bintik, panjang 15-36 cm, lebar 2-6 cm, bunga bertangkai yang panjangnya 60-90 cm, bunga berwarna kuning kemerahan (jingga), Banyak di Afrika bagian Utara, Hindia Barat. a. Batang Tanaman Aloe Vera berbatang pendek. Batangnya tidak kelihatan karena tertutup oleh daun-daun yang rapat dan sebagian terbenam dalam tanah. Melalui batang ini akan muncul tunas-tunas yang selanjutnya menjadikan anakan. Aloe Vera yang bertangkai panjang juga muncul dari batang melalui celah-celah atau ketiak daun. Batang Aloe Vera juga dapat disetek untuk perbanyakan tanaman. Peremajaan tanaman ini dilakukan dengan memangkas habis daun dan batangnya, kemudian dari sisa tunggul batang ini akan muncul tunas-tunas baru atau anakan. b. Daun Daun tanaman Aloe Vera berbentuk pita dengan helaian yang memanjang. Daunnya berdaging tebal, tidak bertulang, berwarna hijau keabu-abuan, bersifaat sukulen (banyak mengandung air) dan banyak mengandung getah atau lendir (gel) sebagai bahan baku obat. Tanaman lidah buaya tahan terhadap kekeringan karena di dalam daun banyak tersimpan cadangan air yang dapat dimanfaatkan pada waktu kekurangan air. Bentuk daunnya menyerupai pedang dengan ujung meruncing, permukaan daun dilapisi lilin, dengan duri lemas dipinggirnya. Panjang daun dapat mencapai 50 - 75 cm, dengan berat 0,5 kg - 1 kg, daun melingkar rapat di sekeliling batang bersaf-saf. c. Bunga Bunga Aloe Vera berwarna kuning atau kemerahan berupa pipa yang mengumpul, keluar dari ketiak daun. Bunga berukuran kecil, tersusun dalam rangkaian berbentuk tandan, dan panjangnya bisa mencapai 1 meter. Bunga biasanya muncul bila ditanam di pegunungan. d. Akar Akar tanaman Aloe Vera berupa akar serabut yang pendek dan berada di permukaan tanah. Panjang akar berkisar antara 50 - 100 cm. Untuk pertumbuhannya tanaman menghendaki tanah yang subur dan gembur di bagian atasnya.
Kandungan Lidah Buaya :
Aloin, barbaloin, isobarbaloin, aloe-emodin, aloenin, aloesin.
Lidah Buaya (Aloe Vera Linn)
Lidah Buaya (Aloe Vera Linn)
Khasiat Lidah Buaya :
Khasiat Lidah buaya adalah sebagai Anti radang, pencahar (Laxative), parasitiside. Anti inflamasi, Laksatif; Stomakik, Ekspektoran.
Resep Tradisional Lidah Buaya:
Daun dipakai untuk koreng, eczema, bisul, terbakar, tersiram air panas, sakit kepala (sebagai pilis), caries dentis (gigi berlubang), penyubur rambut.
1. Manfaat lidah buaya bagi rambut : Daun lidah buaya segar secukupnya dibelah, diambil bagian dalam yang rupanya seperti agar-agar, digosokkan ke kulit kepala sesudah mandi sore, kemudian dibungkus dengan kain, keesokan harinya rambut dicuci. Dipakai setiap hari selama 3 bulan untuk mencapai hasil yang memuaskan.
2. Luka terbakar dan tersiram air panas (yang ringan) : Daun dicuci bersih, ambil bagian dalamnya, tempelkan pada bagian tubuh yang terkena api/air panas.
3. Bisul :Daun dilumatkan ditambah sedikit garam, tempelkan pada bisulnya.
4. Radang tenggorokan : 1 daun lidah buaya dicuci dan dikupas. Isinya dipotong-potong atau diblender. Tambahkan 1 sendok makan madu murni. Minum 3 kali sehari.
5. Ambeien : Setengah (1/2) batang daun lidah buaya dibuang durinya, dicuci, lalu diparut. Beri setengah (1/2) gelas air panas, kemudian peras. Tambahkan 2 sendok makan madu. Dalam keadaan hangat, minum 3 kali sehari.
6. Sembelit : Setengah (1/2) batang daun lidah buaya dicuci dan dikupas. Isinya dipotong kecil-kecil. Seduh dengan setengah (1/2) gelas air. Beri 1 sendok makan madu. Hangat-hangat dimakan 2 kali sehari.
7. Diabetes melitus : 2 batang daun lidah buaya, dicuci, dibuang durinya, dipotong-potong. Rebus dengan 3 gelas air, lalu saring. Minum 3 kali sehari sesudah makan, masing-masing setengah gelas.
8. Penurun kadar gula darah : 1 pelepah lidah buaya ukuran besar (kira-kira seukuran telapak tangan) dibersihkan dengan mengupas kulit dan durinya. Rendam sekitar 30 menit dalam air garam. Remas sebentar lalu bilas di bawah air yang mengalir (air kran). Rebus dengan 3 gelas air hingga mendidih. Dinginkan. Minum sebanyak 1/2 gelas, 2 sampai 3 kali sehari.
9. Batuk (yang membandel) : 20 g daun lidah buaya dicuci, dikupas, dipotong-potong. Beri 2 sendok makan madu murni. Minum 2 kali sehari. Ulangi selama 10 hari.
Sumber :
Aloe Vera Plant
The aloe vera plant has been used since ancient times for healing infection and burns. It was used by African hunters to reduce perspiration. Ancient records of Egyptians, Arabs, Africans and Indians show how aloe vera plant was used. The aloe vera plant also finds mention in the New Testament. Ancient Chinese used aloe vera gel for treating eczematous skin conditions. With a high water content of nearly 96%, the aloe vera plant has been hailed as a medicinal plant with many a beneficial property. The aloe vera plant can easily be grown at home - it is virtually maintenance free. You can then break off a part of the leaf and use the fresh gel to apply on any burn or other wound. . When the aloe vera leaf is broken, it oozes a thick sap that drips from the open end. This bitter sap is used to accelerate wound healing and reduce inflammation.
Benefit of Aloe Vera Gel
The benefits of aloe vera are manifold. Aloe vera gel is used to treat first-degree burns for speedy healing. Aloe vera gel is used to shrink warts and lessen the painful effects of shingles. The symptoms of psoriasis can be reduced with aloe vera gel. European folk medicine makes extensive use of aloe vera juice to reduce ulcers and heartburn. Aloe vera is also used in dental problems such as bleeding gums and denture stomatitis.
Gel from the Aloe vera leaf has shown good results in treating facial edema. When used a mouth rinse, aloe vera offers benefits for treating lockjaw and cold spores. Recent studies have shown that aloe vera might have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular health. Aloe Vera can trigger uterine contractions and must not be taken by pregnant women. Children should not be given aloe vera internally too. If you are on drugs that cause potassium loss or diuretics or steroids, it may not be advisable to take aloe vera orally.
Aloe Vera Juice Benefit
Aloe Vera juice is made from the nutritious inner gel. Aloe Vera juice has natural detoxifying powers that ease constipation and cleanse the bowel. Aloe Vera juice is known to benefit those suffering from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). The residues that accumulate within the colon are loosened and naturally dispersed with regular consumption of aloe vera juice. Any internal lesions or ulcers will also be healed. High doses of Aloe vera juice can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain and electrolyte imbalance. Aloe vera juice is said to possess soothing properties that help in colitis, peptic ulcers and digestive tract irritations. Aloe vera juice contains some anti-inflammatory fatty acids that alkalize digestive juices and prevent over acidity. Acemannan, found in Aloe vera is being studied for its beneficial effects in boosting T-lymphocyte cells that aid the immune system.
Aloes have been used worldwide for more than 3,500 years. They are desert lilies and there are more than 200 varieties. Aloe vera is an aloe plant. Aloe vera, which means “true aloe” in Latin, is generally the most widely used and most effective species of aloe.
The aloe vera plant has long, spiked leaves, which are thick-skinned and contain a clear gel-like substance. It is used today in many products, including cosmetics, skin lotions and moisturizers, burn gels and even sun screen creams.
Juice is also taken from the aloe vera leaves. The bitter juice is often prepared as a flavored drink and is used to help with digestive problems.
Aloe vera contains numerous vitamins and minerals, enzymes, amino acids, natural sugars and agents which may be anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial. The combination and balance of the plant's ingredients are what purportedly gives it its healing properties.
Many ancient works, including the Bible, refer to the use of aloe. One of the first documented users of aloe vera was Cleopatra, who lived from 68 to 30 B.C. She is said to have used the gel on her skin as protection from the sun, and to have thought the gel helped to keep her skin young-looking. In fact, the Egyptians may have used aloe vera in their embalming of bodies, among other uses.
About the year Six B.C., Dioscorides, a Greek physician, discovered aloe vera was effective in treating a wide range of ailments, from kidney problems and constipation, to severe burns of the skin.
Today aloe vera continues to be widely used around the world. Studies have shown that aloe vera speeds the healing process, particularly in burns, including those from radiation. It is also used by dermatologists to speed healing after facial dermabrasion, which removes scars from the skins top layers.
The possible benefits from the use of aloe vera gel and juice include:
1. May help sooth skin injured by burns, irritations, cuts and insect bites.
2. May help moisturize and soften the skin.
3. May help speed the healing of skin wounds, burns and other injuries.
4. May help (when taken internally)with constipation, diarrhea and other intestinal problems.
5. May speed and improve general healing when taken internally.
6. May relieve itching and swelling of irritated skin.
7. May help kill fungus and bacteria.
8. May improve the effectiveness of sun screen products.
Although not conclusive, studies have been done which indicate aloe vera may have some value in the treatment or prevention of some cancers and arthritis. Other trials have been conducted and preliminary evidence shows aloe vera may be useful in treating diabetes, immune system problems and psoriasis.
Aloe vera plants are readily available and some people keep a potted plant in the kitchen. A leaf spike may be cut open and the gel applied directly to a cut or burn. For other uses, particularly for internal use, commercial gels and juices, which are processed under strict controls, can be found at most health food stores as well as many supermarkets.
It is always recommended that one consult a physician before self-treating a medical condition.
Aloe vera is one of Nature’s gifts!
Monday, August 17, 2009
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